Blog | S & R Repairs Towing & Recovery Inc - Part 14

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Signs Your Vehicle’s Tires Need Attention

August 4, 2021

When you drive a lot, you tend to get a feel for the road and how your vehicle is handling it. Sometimes, even the smallest changes in that feel can signal to you that something is wrong. If something’s not right with the tires on your vehicle, odds are you’re going to feel that in how it drives on the road. Sometimes, having to call for blown tire assistance is unavoidable, as accidents are unpredictable, and they do happen. But there are some things you can keep your eye out for (or your ear or your nose!) to avoid some... View Article

Get Your Semi Ready for the Heat This Summer

July 21, 2021

Semi trucks are powerful machines, capable of moving great amounts of cargo over long distances. But these powerful machines must be properly maintained, and that includes giving them the correct preparation for each season. There are many things to consider when it comes to semi truck summer prep. First of all, consider that a semi truck may be passing through a great variety of weather conditions. That means you may experience extreme temperatures and conditions on a regular basis, all while moving at high speeds without a lot of time to stop and take care of mechanical problems. This means... View Article

Essential Tools You Need to Get Your Vehicle Unstuck

July 1, 2021

No one likes to hear that sound: Your wheels are spinning, and they’re just not going to get traction anytime soon. You might get out and try to give it a push, or simply keep hitting the gas, spinning your wheels and senselessly wishing that the result will change. Thankfully, professionals are available to help in these situations, especially when you’re dealing with a stuck commercial vehicle. Here’s a guide on how to get your truck unstuck from the experts in truck and trailer repair in Centre County, PA. Get the right tools It’s obviously best to have the right... View Article

What You Need to Know About Towing and Storage Fees

June 17, 2021

If you’ve recently been in a vehicle crash, you’re probably experiencing a lot of stress and confusion. From filing insurance claims to dealing with potential medical issues, you have plenty on your plate. One other thing you may worry about is the dreaded towing and storage fee. Many towing companies require that this fee be paid in order to release your vehicle. Let’s go over how this fee works—and who’s expected to pay for it. Contact a truck and trailer repair company in Centre County, PA to learn more. First steps Before a tow truck even arrives, you should always... View Article

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

May 28, 2021

Car accidents can happen anywhere at any time, which is why staying alert and being a defensive driver is so important. But even the best drivers can collide with another car or get into a single-vehicle accident. Part of driver’s ed should include what to do after you’re involved in an accident—but that’s not always the case. Continue reading to learn the steps to take after an accident and more about truck and trailer repair in Centre County, PA. Check for injuries Before you do anything else, check yourself and all of your passengers for any injuries. If you or... View Article