Vehicle inspections are a vital way to keep our roads and highways safe, and are an integral part of the transportation system as a whole. Issues like emissions, structural integrity and more are all addressed during these inspection processes, and all are crucial to keeping Pennsylvania cars in top shape and safer for everyone. Vehicle inspections in Centre County, PA are an important way to make sure your mode of transportation is up to standards, and there are a number of ways in which vehicle owners can prepare for this process. Whether you’re a new arrival to Pennsylvania or a... View Article
By now, we’re sure you’ve heard of the dangers of distracted driving. It only takes a second for something to go terribly wrong on the road, especially if you’re driving at a high rate of speed. From unexpected pedestrians darting into the road to animals, drunk drivers and more, we can’t afford to pay attention to anything but the road in front of us. The state House of Representatives just approved a cell phone ban to prevent dangerous traffic accidents in Pennsylvania. It will move on to the Senate to see if it will be voted into law and signed... View Article
Pennsylvania has what it calls a “Steer Clear” law in place that all motorists in the state are expected to abide by. This means if you come across an accident or vehicle pulled over along the side of the road and that incident involves an emergency responder, you need to “steer clear” of the area. Specifically, you are required by law to move at least one lane away from the incidents on the highway. For the purposes of this law, emergency responders can include law enforcement, Department of Transportation vehicles providing emergency assistance and any other emergency personnel you see... View Article