Author Archives for admin

Need Roadside Assistance in Centre County, PA?

October 15, 2018 2:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Regardless of how much driving experience you have, dealing with a mechanical failure while you’re on the road can be incredibly stressful. In many cases, you might not even be able to get your car to the next exit when you’re on the highway. If you break down on the side of the road, it’s important that you know how to handle the situation to ensure that you and your passengers stay safe and that you can get the help that you need as quickly as possible. Tips for dealing with a car breakdown While there are certainly some warning... View Article

Call the Experts for Hazmat Clean Up in Centre County, PA!

September 21, 2018 2:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Trucks carry important cargo between manufacturers, suppliers and retailers across the country. While modern trucks that carry hazardous cargo are designed to safely and effectively transport cargo from point A to point B with specialized containers and extra precautions, accidents do happen, and sometimes hazardous materials are spilled. There are a number of Department of Transportation regulations and guidelines regarding the handling of hazardous material spills, and it’s important for truckers to contact the right people to handle a hazmat clean up in Centre County, PA. Read on to find out more about how you should respond in the event... View Article

The Benefits of Hiring Our Towing Service in Centre County, PA

August 29, 2018 2:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re having some mechanical problems with your vehicle or you suddenly find yourself stranded on the highway, you can benefit from hiring a towing service to come out and get your vehicle to a shop or a junkyard, depending on its condition. Here are just a few of the biggest benefits of hiring a towing service in Centre County, PA when your car breaks down: You can avoid accidents: Many people who do not call towing services attempt to pullthe vehicle themselves with a friend’s truck. However, if you do not hook the vehicle up properly, it could come... View Article

Pennsylvania’s Steer Clear Law

August 29, 2018 2:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Pennsylvania has what it calls a “Steer Clear” law in place that all motorists in the state are expected to abide by. This means if you come across an accident or vehicle pulled over along the side of the road and that incident involves an emergency responder, you need to “steer clear” of the area. Specifically, you are required by law to move at least one lane away from the incidents on the highway. For the purposes of this law, emergency responders can include law enforcement, Department of Transportation vehicles providing emergency assistance and any other emergency personnel you see... View Article

S & R Repairs Towing & Recovery Inc