Author Archives for admin

Tips on Safe Driving for Truckers

August 22, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Driving a big rig can be a real thrill and a rewarding career. How to be a safe big-rig trucker is part of that endeavor. There’s information that can help truckers learn some safety driving tips they can use while on the roads. Here’s how to drive safely as a big-rig trucker. 1. Check Mirrors Often Most truckers tend to drive for long hours without checking their mirrors often. This is one of the most common mistakes that many truckers make. Checking mirrors is very important as it helps track the vehicles around you. It also helps you to know when... View Article

Benefits of Big-Rig Towing

August 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Hiring heavy-duty towing doesn’t seem to be something that most vehicle owners have considered. Essentially, most people have smaller cars, which means that they don’t need heavy-duty towing. Such individuals are only interested in small towing vehicles that are consistent with their needs. However, people with substantial auto machines require big-rig towing. So, what are the benefits of big-rig towing? 1. Cost Effective You might think that big-rig towing is more expensive than regular towing. However, that’s not always the case. In some instances, big-rig towing can be more cost-effective than other types of towing. This is especially true when... View Article

Cleaning Up Road Debris

July 26, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Road debris has been a significant cause of accidents in recent years. Whether it’s a piece of metal that’s come loose from a truck or a tree branch that’s been blown into the roadway, debris can pose a serious threat to drivers. Debris is always a dangerous situation on the road, and it must be cleaned up right away. The question then becomes, who takes care of road debris? Who’s In Charge of Road Debris? The answer depends on the situation. If the debris is on a state or federal highway, it’s the responsibility of the state or federal government... View Article

Cleaning Up Auto Biohazard Waste

July 11, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Auto biohazard waste can be a serious issue if not handled properly. This type of waste can come from several sources, including accidents, crime scenes, and natural disasters. If you are faced with this type of waste, it is important to know how to handle it safely and effectively. This article will discuss how to clean up biological hazardous waste from car accidents. 1. Identify the Source of the Waste The first step in cleaning up any kind of biohazardous waste is to identify the source. In the case of a car accident, this will usually be the victim’s body.... View Article

Spotting a Failing Clutch

June 27, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

An engine is a truly remarkable thing. They can do so much for us, but when parts of your engine begin to fail, it becomes necessary to figure out what is going on and to try and fix it. A failing clutch is a very serious issue that can undermine the entire engine of your vehicle. There are some things that you can watch out for to help you spot a clutch that might be going out to help save you a ton of hassle. What Are the Signs of Clutch Failure? There are a few things that you can... View Article

S & R Repairs Towing & Recovery Inc