Blog | S & R Repairs Towing & Recovery Inc - Part 11

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Everything You Need To Know About Winter Tire Safety

February 26, 2023

One of the essential parts of preparing for the winter is ensuring that your car is ready to operate safely. Thus, tire safety should be a priority. These tips are for getting your vehicle prepared to handle the winter roads and keeping you and your passengers safe during the most challenging weather. Ensure You Have the Right Tires The first part of the process should be checking to ensure that you have the correct type of tires for the season. Typically, three main tire types exist: all-season, winter, and all-weather. All-season tires are the most common because they’re versatile and... View Article

Signs It May Be Time To Call a Tow Truck This Winter

February 12, 2023

Does my car need to be towed? Like many other car owners, you may be unsure when to contact a towing company, even if your vehicle is acting out of the ordinary. This can be due to many reasons. Either way, if you notice severe issues with your vehicle, it may be time to call a towing service. Continue reading to learn what those signs are. Indicators You Should Call a Tow Truck If you are wondering when to call a tow truck, here are some signs to watch out for. Trouble Driving Your Vehicle One of the biggest signs... View Article

Urgent Steps for Surviving a Vehicle Break Down This Winter

January 26, 2023

Breaking down on the side of the road is never great, but breaking down in cold winter temps can actually be dangerous. If you find yourself stranded during a winter storm during extremely cold temps, there are certain steps you will need to take to keep yourself safe until help arrives. But what to do if car breaks down in cold weather? This quick guide will provide you with some basic safety tips. Move To Safe Area If possible, get your vehicle as far out of harm’s way as possible. This means getting the vehicle out of the stream of... View Article

Proffessional Approved Checklist for Safe Winter Driving

January 12, 2023

Winter is almost here, and that means your car needs some extra special attention. To keep your car in top shape when facing winter weather, it is important that you consider winter car care tips. You might be wondering, “Do I need to check my car before winter? And what should I check on my car before winter?” This quick guide will provide you with a basic checklist of items you should take care of this time of year for great car maintenance. Maintenance Inspection A great place to start would be with a basic maintenance inspection. This is a... View Article

11 Essentials Every Driver Should Have in Preparation for Winter Emergencies

December 26, 2022

Now that wintertime has arrived, there are a number of questions that motorists need to be proactive about answering. What should be in a winter weather emergency kit? What should I carry in my car for winter driving? The more prepared we are for the inevitable winter storms that come our way, the better. That’s why this guide is here to help. The following is a list of essentials that every driver should have on hand in case of winter emergencies: Water and Snacks If you find yourself stranded for an extended period, water and snacks are imperative. Roadside assistance will... View Article